Informace k maturitním zkouškám z AJ

MATURITNÍ TEMATICKÉ OKRUHY AJ pro školní rok 2020 / 21 
  • Basic facts about the U.K., the U.S.A. and the Czech Republic: geography, capitals and other big cities
  • Basic facts about Ireland, Canada, Australia
  • The systems of government and education in the U.K., in the U.S.A. and in the Czech Republic
  • British and American writers
  • Everyday life: housing, meals and table manners, shopping, keeping fit and being ill
  • Hobbies and free time activities, sport and games, culture and arts, travelling, learning languages
  • The current world: nature and ecology, science and new technologies, world problems, the picture of our world in mass media, international organisations
  • Basic facts about American history, famous personalities from Czech, British and American history
  • Traditions and celebrations in our country, in the U.K. and in the U.S.A.